Cartoon Network, the leading kids’ channel in Asia Pacific, offers the best in original animated content. It includes the multi-award-winning global hits Ben 10, The Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans Go!, Tom and Jerry, We Baby Bears, and Asia Pacific originals, including the Emmy-nominated Lamput.
The brand is known for putting its fans at the center of everything by applying creative thinking, fun, and innovation across multiple platforms. Cartoon Network also reaches millions more through its websites, apps, games, and streaming services, including HBO GO. In the Asia Pacific, Cartoon Network, a companion brand to Boomerang and POGO, is distributed by Warner Bros. Discovery .
Bangkok International Digital Content (BIDC) Festival is the largest digital content industry convention in Thailand. The First BIDC was held in 2014 with International and Thai professionals in the field of digital games, animations, character design, CG, VFX, e-learning and emerging technologies coming together to create new businesses and partnerships.